Check back every Thursday for a new family photo tip or inspiration..
I love this family photo by Michelle Herrick. People are always trying to figure out what to wear in their family photos, and I love how this is styled. You don't look at it and think, "O they are all in Navy and yellow" or the classic white and tan, or all black. It's just a great family photo and you notice more of the kids personalities than what they are actually wearing.
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. Almost makes me want to have 5 kids.. Okay not really, I'll leave that up to my sisters who both have 5!!. Can't believe I'm about to be the mom of 1...2...3!
*Tip: wear things that you love, and not things that match or are even all in the same color family, and dress up a little, you are most likely paying money for this and you don't want it to look like you were all at a family BBQ and decided to snap a picture. Unless of course that was your inspiration.. :)