Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Family Photo idea...

Want a cute Valentines Day Card Idea??

1st: take 3 different photos of your kids holding a blank poster or sheet of paper...

2nd: add words using photoshop or other photo editing programs.. *if you don't know how to do this you could have your signs already made with the words on them when you take the pics*

3rd: print photos,  and use glue to frame each photo with cardstock,  cut a paper long and wide enough that when folded accordian style, it will hold your three framed pictures..

4th: decorate with ribbon, doilies,  or whatever else you like.. and.....

TA DA!! The cutest Valentine card ever..

I first made these when we were living in Greece, where craft stores are hard to come by, so using photoshop to decorate our signs was easier than actually making them, but your kids might enjoy that part too..

*Idea originally from

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